Argus monitor lizard for sale
Argus monitor lizard for sale

Mertens monitors are great animals but require a very specialised setup. That's the reason you've seen perenties being offered at such varying prices - not many people keep or breed them, so theoretically they should be holding their price, but the flip side is that not many people can keep them so it's an easily flooded market. Unless you own your own home, live in suitable habitat and can house them outside, chances are you're going to be up against it trying to house them as adults. The second reason is the housing requirements, as they need a lot of floor space with specific heat and humidity requirements.

argus monitor lizard for sale

The first reason is (and this also applies to lace monitors) the danger of getting bitten badly by misreading behaviour. I would not recommend a perentie for a first time monitor keeper for a number of reasons. I never worry about claws with my monitors - gloves deal with that easily. The claws are nothing compared to a good bite. A sturdily built cage at least 4 feet long is the minimum requirement to properly house an adult of this species.Click to expand. Nighttime temperatures may drop 20 degrees or more if the opportunity to warm up the next day exists. panoptes prefer to bask each morning and return to bask as needed to maintain optimal body temperature in 80-90 Fahrenheit. Never let one wander freely on open ground because their ability to suddenly flee makes escape likely. Argus monitors don’t like being restrained, digging sharp claws into one’s flesh in their attempts to squirm free. panoptes are husky lizards that can be a real challenge to physically handle. Argus monitors are fed insects, fish and mice. They hunt for prey by keying in on movement, chasing it down and overpowering it. Many individuals of this species are captive bred because of conservation efforts of cane toad infestation. It is estimated that numbers have dropped by as much as 90% in many areas. Recent studies suggest that the cane toad infestation has severely damaged the population of Argus monitors within the Top End. They are often thought to be "bottomless pits" because they can fit amazing amounts of food in their stomachs. Argus monitors will often attack one's hand if they have not been fed recently. With such a voracious appetite, the Argus monitor makes for an interesting animal and is great for breeding programs. It uses this organ in the same manner as snakes do and can often be seen flicking their tongues in search of a meal.

argus monitor lizard for sale

Like all monitors, the Argus has a forked tongue and a vomeronasal organ in the roof of its mouth. Argus monitors have great senses, with smell being the most acute. Spiny-tailed goannas and Kimberley rock monitors are eaten regularly. The Argus monitor frequently preys on the dwarf monitors that it shares its range with. This includes fish, crabs, small birds, rodents, insects and even other monitors. Its prey consists of almost anything that it can overpower. In Arnhem Land, they lay 6 to 13 eggs between January and February. This habit provides them a unique characteristic that separates them from most other monitors. They exhibit this behavior regularly in captivity. This unusual behavior is used to spot potential prey or enemies from a distance or when they are threatened. The Argus will often "tripod" in captivity and in the wild, raising up on their hind legs and supporting themselves with the tail. The Argus monitor is riparian in habits and as such, it can usually be found around a permanent source of water. These large lizards are quite fast and will run up to 100 yards/meters to the nearest tree or burrow when they are chased. Despite this, they will eagerly forage in trees and in the water. This species is an avid digger and will dig large burrows or take over an already existing burrow, where they spend a sizable portion of their time.

argus monitor lizard for sale

They are primarily terrestrial, meaning they spend a great deal of time on the ground. The Argus monitor is a versatile predator and inhabits a large variety of biomes and habitats. Their color often varies with place of origin or even the individual. Most Argus monitors are yellow in color, with a background of brown or dark tan. It is a reasonably lean monitor and does not put on the bulk that its African cousins often do.

argus monitor lizard for sale

The size of an Argus monitor differs greatly between the sexes, with the female reaching an average total length of three feet (90 cm), while the male reaches an average of 4–5 feet (120–140 cm), the larger sized animals being V.

Argus monitor lizard for sale